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Newsroom and Blog

Extensive media experience when a high profile case requires it.

Jack is a true professional, a master of his craft, well spoken, and concise in his thoughts and spoken words. He didn’t coddle me, he was truthful and knowledgeable.
— Client Testimonial on Google

The Criminal Justice System Regularly Gives Cops a Pass.

Its frequently about what we want the world to be rather than what the world actually is. I have seen this concept so many times in front of juries that I’m not shocked anymore. To be specific, when jurors talk about cops, specifically white jurors, they are desperate to make them the good guys. They want them to be the good guys. The problem is that sometimes they simply are not. Worse, bad cops are not simply just a few bad applies. They have been protected by the thin blue line forever. As a result, it is the system and other police officers that perpetuate this bad behavior. Systemic racism is real. The numbers and behavior speaks for itself. Think George Floyd. Think Breonna Taylor.

Jack Rice Defense represents people charged with crimes. We see a lot of cops We read their reports and we watch them testify. Some of them are good and some of them are not. And yet, the bad ones continue to perpetrate bad acts on the public and nothing is done. They are rarely if ever sanctioned and if they are, more often than not, they come back.

I could go down a long list of such acts but at this point, why bother. Simply open the paper and you will find them for yourself. How this impacts the criminal defense world is interesting because many of those bad acts never make it into reports or they are minimized. Nevertheless, they take the stand and call themselves the good guys and juries believe them because they are desperate for order and calm and what to believe that they are. This is simply not enough anymore.