Jack Rice - Legal - Domestic Assault

Domestic and Family Related Crimes


Minneapolis / St. Paul Domestic Assault Lawyer - Domestic and Family Crimes

Sometimes the most explosive and life impacting charges of all.

Jack stood by me and represented me when I was falsely accused. He will fight to win your case for you and has the legal expertise to do so.
— Client Testimonial on Google

These are some of the most personal, emotional, complex and legally difficult charges anybody faces. In the short term, it can mean arrest, mugshots, court appearances, and Judges issuing no contact orders which mean a person being forced to leave their house if they live with the complaining witness. This is even before conviction. In the long term, it can mean jail, loss of professional license if you are doctor, nurse, teacher, etc., loss of gun rights and more. Jack Rice Defense has decades of prosecution and defense experience handling these kinds of cases. Again, if this situation sounds all too familiar, call Jack Rice Defense and let us stand beside you.

Jack Rice is an advisor with an amazing and unique depth of experience.
— Client Testimonial on Google

The Challenges of Handling Domestic Assault Charges

Jack it has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with you for over 20 years and to observe you as an attorney of the people. I was in awe.
— Client Testimonial on Google.

Domestic charges may include

Misdemeanor, Gross Misdemeanor and Felony Domestic Assault

Gross Misdemeanor and Felony Malicious Punishment Charges and Child Endangerment Charges

Misdemeanor, Gross Misdemeanor and Felony Violation of No Contact Orders, Orders for Protection, and Restraining Orders

Terroristic Threats and Stalking

I would recommend him to anybody who was in my position. I can’t thank him enough.
— Client Testimony on Google