Jack Rice - Legal - Violent Crimes

Violent Crimes


Twin Cities Violent Crimes Lawyer - Violent Criminal Offenses

When underlying facts can drive outcomes.

Right away, when meeting Jack, you learn that he is a true professional, a master of his craft.
— Client Testimonial on Google

People charged with violent offenses, anything from 5th degree assault to murder, can face overwhelming challenges including high bail amounts and onerous conditions of release. Further, juries can easily jump to conclusions without really looking at the facts that can result in absolutely brutal jail and prison commits. Jack Rice Defense has seen this countless times and is prepared. If you are charged with a violent offense, don’t just hope things will work out. Sit down with Jack Rice Defense and see the difference.


Violent Crimes may include:

Murder/Attempted Murder

Serious Assault with or without weapons

Sexual Assault

Terroristic Threats

Gun Charges

Jack took my case to trial. Would recommend to anyone looking for a lawyer who is great at what he does.
— Client Testimonial on Google