It was an extraordinary day. I had an opportunity too shoot three videos for Lawyers Without Borders. The purpose was to discuss the effects of COVID 19 on Wildlife Trafficking and Organized crime. White collor crime is a problem across the planet and helping prosecutors address those problems is something I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to do. Even further, to work on wildlife trafficking cases and protect elephants and rhinos is a particular passion. Further, practicing criminal defense lawyer in Minnesota, I am constantly dealing with the realities of practicing during a pandemic. In fact, there is a skill set that defense attorney and prosecutors must possess if one is effect. So, I’m just passing on the skills that I have learned to others who might need them.
Media Appearances, Teaching Opportunities and Acknowledgements
“A must have lawyer to represent you in Court. Jack really goes above and beyond to get you good results.”
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Earlier Event: September 24
No Knock Search Warrants ask for Violence and Contributed to Breonna Taylor's Death
Later Event: October 1
The Supreme Court Nomination is One of the Most Significant Decisions a President Makes.